Moving home is always a stressful time, but when you are moving to a completely new area, it can be incredibly hard. That is why Dawsons are here to help:
Never a dull moment at Dawsons and our October newsletter is full of fabulous news….
It is a legal requirement for anyone who owns a rented property in Wales, to register with the Government regulator, Rent Smart Wales.
All landlords and letting agents who deal with management duties and tenants must also be licensed under the Rent Smart Wales regulation which became enforceable in October 2016. To obtain a license you will need to undergo training by an approved training provider. Which is where we can assist.
The Dawsons valuers were called out to an appointment with a Mrs Addams at her Mayals Mansion, and we thought we would go along for the screams…. Come with us!
A round-up of everything that has been going on at Dawsons over the past month. Catch up on our news here…