‘Pet placement’ -is it the new way to sell your home?

Could your dog or cat help to sell your home? Luna, Keano and CJ (pictured in this blog) certainly did for two properties recently sold subject to contact with us, so keep reading to find out more!

If you’re looking for some fresh new ideas on presenting your home for sale, adding your prized pets to the photographs of your property could be key to a sale! Home staging – the art of preparing your home to sell it – is increasingly popular in the UK and the latest trend to arrive from the US is ‘pet placement’!

The Daily Telegraph reports that ‘after years of being ushered out of shot, Rex, Rover and Smudge now find themselves the stars of the show.’ A tactic being increasingly used in the US, ‘pet placement’ involves placing a cat or dog at the centre of photographs of your home. The idea is that animals help to ‘humanise’ a property and to give potential buyers an idea of what it is like to live there.

“It wasn’t a conscious decision to include my two dachshunds, Keano and CJ, in the brochure” says Mike, whose beautiful 4 bedroom detached home in Morriston has just sold subject to contract. “But Keano and CJ are forever by my side, so I didn’t want to move them when the photographs were taken. I think they help buyers - with similar lifestyles to me - imagine what it is like living in the house.”

Senior Property Consultant & Valuer, Andrea Devoy from our Morriston branch agrees. She says “With most properties on the market having photographs on their advert, there is much more of an effort now to make properties stand out. Our professional photographer, Jen really thinks outside the box, her work is fantastic and helps us create truly unique and bespoke brochures for our home-sellers.”

90% of the information our brain processes is visual. People love visuals but come across dozens of digital adverts every day, so we love to include exciting or interesting visuals to capture our audience’s attention in seconds.

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Our top tips on selling a pet-friendly home

1. Consider temporary relocating the pet.

    It’s easier to show and sell a home if pets are not around when buyers arrive so we would advise temporarily relocating your pet during viewings, and especially open houses. Perhaps leave the animal with a family member or friend, or dog sitter’s home. This minimizes chances that the pet will interfere with a buyer’s viewing experience and likely to be less stressful for your pet who will be having to deal with unfamiliar faces and smells!

    2. Give the animals their own spot.

    Sometimes it might not be possible to remove the pet from the property. In this case, it’s advisable to set up a comfortable, roomy enclosed or contained space for them somewhere on the property. We would also advise to keep them away from buyers to avoid any mishaps or accidents.

    3. Fix any pet wear and tear.

    Pets, being animals, can cause damage to flooring, furniture, carpeting and other parts of a home. Although most buyers like to see a home as ‘lived in’, we would recommend fixing any signs of pet damage prior to viewings. We all know (too well!) that pets can also have accidents that leave noticeable stains and odours. This can be a turn-off for any prospective buyers, so we would recommend having the property professionally cleaned to help you achieve the best possible price.

    4. Remove all pet clutter.

    Although the UK is a nation of dog-lovers, buyers still like to envision themselves living in that home, so we would recommend putting pet-related items away, like pet food, feeding bowls, litter boxes, toys, bedding and cages for photographs and viewings. 

    If you would like any further information on the marketing of your home, or any no-obligation advice, contact Cat Sollis (Senior Digital Operations Manager) for further information on 01792 362031 or email cat.sollis@dawsonsproperty.co.uk.

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