Spooky Statistics: Which rooms are most likely to cause a loss of deposit

Renting is becoming more and more popular with the 25-34 years age group, with many feeling that saving a rental deposit is far more achievable than a mortgage deposit. But how do you ensure you get the full deposit back at the end of tenancy and which rooms should you be paying specific attention to?

Landlord survey

A survey of over 600 landlords revealed that the main reason for deductions in deposits is the level of cleanliness on check out.

The main culprits of nightmare cleaning are kitchens and bathrooms, with bedrooms and living rooms coming in right behind. Neglected deep cleaning of appliances and windows can also cause headaches for landlords.

So now you know which rooms are likely to cause bumps in the night, how do you combat them?


Regular cleaning is the best advice we can give. There are only a few people who like cleaning, and if you aren’t one of those, then regular cleaning to avoid build-up is the answer. Wiping down sides, cupboards and appliances (microwaves, hobs and fridges etc) can save you from spending hours right before moving out cleaning dried on, three week old pasta sauce from your kitchen tiles.

Appliances like dishwashers and washing machines have cleaning cycles, so all you have to do is add the cleaning agent and turn it on. You could even do this in the time it takes for you to make a cup of tea. To do a deeper clean, don’t forget to check and clean the filters and pipes for debris.

Ovens can be a bit more daunting. Baked on, hard to clean food and goo from that time you accidentally left the plastic pizza tray in the oven. It all contributes to one of the hardest to clean items in your kitchen. The good news is there are some really great DIY oven cleaners that you can buy with your groceries. Most of them involve leaving overnight for a quick scrub and rinse the next day.


With moisture in the air and changing temperatures the bathrooms can be ghoulish at best. Keep them clean and off the list of reasons for losing your deposit by following these tips.

Wipe down and dry after use. Especially after taking a bath or shower things can get pretty steamy! As steam hits cold tiles, it condenses and makes everything wet. By drying tiles, screens, floors and windows you will reduce the chance of mould and mildew forming.

On the same mould note, make sure your bathroom is well ventilated, open the windows, keep the door open and turn on the extractor fan. This will speed up natural drying time and therefore reduce the risk of mould.

Fiendish toilets. Okay, no one likes talking about the throne but it's important so we’ll be quick!

Once a week, get some good quality toilet cleaner, follow the directions on the bottle, and use a toilet brush often. Wipe around the loo with an antibacterial cleaner et voila! You don’t have to think about it until next week.

Like with all cleaning, keeping on top of it will always make it easier in the long run and will also mean you notice any issues sooner. Keep a cleaning schedule as this can keep you organised and even make it feel less overwhelming.

Don't forget...

Finally, here are some areas to deep clean that you might forget:

Skirting boards - Clean them down with a damp cloth or duster

Windows - Use hot soapy water, and then a glass cleaner. Don’t forget the sills.

Cupboard tops and nooks - Clean the tops of cupboards, as moisture and dust can create mould. Don’t forget the nooks in cupboard doors.

Walls - Particularly in high traffic areas, use hot soapy water to wash marks and splashes off walls.

Floors - Hard floors can be scrubbed with detergent and a brush, you can hire carpet cleaners locally to clean stained carpets or soft furnishings.

Are you looking to rent a property in Swansea? Take a look at the properties we currently have available.
